The colder months feel so blahhh for us plant ladies. When the sun is shining and it’s a gorgeous day in the spring, summer, or fall, we can get out in the landscape where our hearts are happy and get our hands dirty with our plants. But in the winter, the days are short, the clouds are out, and it’s so cold and grey. Most of our plants are dormant and don’t need our attention everyday. The warm days of summer bring beautiful colors and the joy of growing. But winter… did we mention it’s so cold? We’re not into the cold at all.

All of this can add up to some serious winter blues and seasonal depression. If this is something that you experience, we just want you to know that you’re not alone! We all struggle with not being our “best self” and during the days of less sunlight and less time with nature, our bodies and minds might not be feeling top-notch. We have a few strategies that we use to kick our winter blues and we hope that you might give them a try next time you’re feeling a bit down. Here are some of our favorite tips and self-care routines for the winter:

1.Open the blinds. Let the sunlight into your day however you can for however long you can. If you can’t get outside because it’s a bit too chilly, at least let in the sunlight that you can. If you don’t have privacy concerns, raise the blinds all the way up. Turn your chair to face the window or sit alongside your windows. Soak it up! Getting that vitamin D will make all the difference in the world… and you might even notice better sleep and healthier hair.

2. Go outside and get your hands dirty! It might be cold and our plants may be dormant but, if you happen to catch a rare warm day, there is still plenty to take care of in the winter landscape. Clean up the sticks, leaves, and other debris that showed up through the fall and winter. Cut back your dead perennials and do your late winter pruning. Physical exercise can often break a mental funk and a cleaner yard is a happier yard! Don’t have a landscape that can be enjoyed in the winter? Visit a botanical garden or conservatory!

3. Bring the outdoors inside with flower or nature-scented candles. It’s too dreary for a walk in the woods? Bring the woods inside with pine- or cedar-scented candles. Missing the heavenly smell of your gardenias and peonies? They’ve got candles for that too! Need a freshly cut plant smell to open up that stuffy nose? Eucalyptus is to die for. The gentle candle flames are super soothing and these botanical scents will lift your plant lady spirits. We’ve added some of our favorite candles to our Home Decor list on Amazon for you!

4. Rest. Our plants are resting, so don’t be afraid to take some time to rest yourself too. This is a huge part of self-care that many plant ladies don’t get a chance to do. Our kids, jobs, homes, spouses, and so many other things pull on our lives and keep us in constant motion. So when you catch a moment in the downtime of winter… embrace it. Watch that TV series you’ve been eyeing, take a nap, soak in the bath, or read a book. Take time to do the things that bring you joy and relaxation – you deserve it!

5. Dream of the landscaping projects to come in the spring! Spring time is prime time for installing plants but, if you don’t have a plan, it can come and go before you know it. Spend a little time deciding what you want to bring to your landscape in the spring; maybe just a small area needs sprucing up. Maybe it’s the whole yard! Having trouble imagining what could be possible for your property? Now is the best time to hire Fawn Renae Designs to help you envision your dream landscape! She needs time to develop your design so that you don’t miss the perfect installation season. Choose Fawn Renae Designs and Those Plant Ladies can bring your dream to a reality with our all-female installation crews!

No matter what winter brings your way, you can conquer it. We got this! You’re a part of our Plant Ladies Community and we can make it through anything when we do it together. All of our love from us to you!