Have you ever thought of yourself as less-than? Felt like you weren’t meant for great things because you knew your own weaknesses? Were you silent bout something you’re passionate about, in fear that others may think you’re stupid, weird, or that you’ve lost your marbles?
We get it because we’ve been there. Here’s Fawn to chat about childhood, tough jobs, and how one podcast changed everything.
You know, this is still something that we struggle with on the daily. Who am I? For the past decade, Heather and I have called each other every day, usually after I clocked out of work at 2:30 pm and jumped in my car to commute an hour back home. Heather and I have felt inferior, less-than, and tiny in relation to the world and our dreams. The healthiest thing that we’ve done in our life is talking about our past and dissect our feelings (I know, ew) about situations that happened or circumstances we were a part of. Our childhood wasn’t the most fun or enjoyable, but thanks to our conversations, we are now seeing our parents’ reasoning and hearts behind it all.
I’m sure like us, you have your own battles that you’ve had to fight and overcome. You’ve most likely been scarred by your past, leaving you apprehensive for the future. Heather and I have always dreamed big, but it wasn’t until recently that we started saying them aloud.
We’ve been stuck in jobs that were passion-less and mind-numbing (and mind-dumbing lol). We’ve been put in a ‘box’ by our superiors and felt too scared to break free.
While on my quest to learn more about how to manage people as a woman in a male-dominated industry, I came across the Podcast, Women Taking The Lead by Jodi Flynn. During her intro, she quotes Maryanne Williamson’s quote:
Anybody else’s eyes filled with water right now? This cut to my core! I called Heather and shared with her the quote that would forever change the trajectory of our lives. Both of us, in tears and speechless! I gifted Heather with this printout for her office for Christmas and the following year our New Years Resolution would be molded around the words “BE YOU, BRAVELY.”
The hardest part is feeling confident in your own skin. We’ve always felt like we didn’t fully belong to any particular group or clique. Our upbringing is a lot different than most, and our passions are way out there compared to others. How are we serving if we don’t fulfill our calling? We’re not. But if we can push through and step out into our own purposes, we help give others permission to do the same. Like, WHOA! That’s such a powerful perspective.
We created this brand to be centered around inspiring, educating, and empowering women. We hope that when you think about Those Plant Ladies, you’re reminded to chase after your own dreams and passions! We hope that you’re inspired to do exactly what God has placed on your heart, and do it with confidence. You are uniquely and wonderfully made. Never dim your own light or play small so that others don’t feel insecure around you!
Most of all… BE YOU, BRAVELY.
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