Amazon Gardener Gift Guide for Mother’s Day
We love to empower women and there’s nothing more inspiring than celebrating moms… in the form of something wrapped just for her, of course! You’re probably loving this spring weather so you can roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Since we’re spending all of our free time outside and playing with plants, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite things right now. All the moms in your life will love them.
Bonus: they’re all Amazon Prime so they’ll be at your doorstep (or hers!) in just a few days!

1. Sun hat // 2. Kneeler pad // 3. Plant label // 4. Watering can // 5. Overalls // 6. Rain boots // 7. Garden tote // 8. Garden gloves // 9. Pruning shears // 10. Kneeling + seat stool // 11. Plant grow bag // 12. Coola sunscreen // 13. Garden book // 14. Plant containers // 15. Garden tool set / 16. Harvest basket