Ohhhhh I’m so glad to finally be able to say that our new website is live! It only took us four months after building our first website (which premiered in February 2020) for us to realize we had already outgrown it. To say we experienced a lot of growth last year is a complete understatement. When we built the first website, we were only four months in business. We really didn’t even understand the magnitude of this brand and we sure as heck didn’t think that so many women would be ready to support this movement and carry us further than we’d ever dreamed. Truth is, we thought that we would still be convincing people what Those Plant Ladies was all about and why we went into business together.
As we began building out the layers of the business (installations, workshops, the shop, the blog, etc.), it was very clear that we needed a new site to house everything. I remember both Claire and Alexa telling me late last summer that the site wasn’t working for us anymore. Insert my anxiety rollercoaster taking off! They offered suggestions for tweaks, but I knew it would need a complete overhaul. I kept pushing this task aside for the remainder of 2020 as I needed some time to wrap my brain around what this new site needed to entail.
I’ve built many websites over the years; I created my own website for my photography business, for Fawn Renae Designs, and for other creatives who needed someone to layout their brand online. It’s obviously way easier for me to do this for someone else’s business because I’m not attached and can look at it from an outsider’s point of view. For my own businesses though, it’s a bit trickier. I have to think BIG PICTURE and remind myself that I’m not building a website for where we are right now, I’m building a website for where we want to be in a year!

Showit has been my website platform of choice for years. It’s the easiest and most customizable web designer that there is and there’s no coding required. You can purchase pre-designed templates, add to your site, and begin customizing with your branding colors, fonts, and creative assets like images and videos.
Although I typically build all of my sites from scratch, I decided that in order for me to make moves with this design quickly, I needed a template. Y’all know I’m very particular with how things look (the team calls it Heather-ifying!). It was important to me that it was functional but also that it had tons of pictures and videos everywhere.
I found Northfolk Design Co — they’re so modern, clean, and beautiful — I was excited to find them and that got me excited to begin creating the new site from their templates. It was so easy and fun to piece together. You can check out all of their templates HERE.
Storytelling through images is my biggest strength and something that’s second nature to me now. As a visual storyteller, I’m focused on the images but words are hard! Thank God we hired on our gal Claire who’s the master of words and clarifying what it is I’m trying to say. We spent about two months piecing it together page by page until we were confident that everything was showcased and mentioned. It was a true labor of love. So many days were spent at each other’s houses with pages and pages from our notebooks spread across the floor as we duck taped it all together. When we weren’t together, we FaceTimed each other to chat about what we had done and what we needed the other to do. It was fun, I’m so proud of it, but whew… I’m also glad that it’s behind us!
Go check out the new website and let us know what you think.







Want to get a website like ours?

Quick disclosure: Some of these links happen to be affiliate links which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but we may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because we were going to share it with you anyway! 😉